Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School!

Baby girl and Mom survived their first day of school.  I'm pretty tired, but other than that the day went great!  Here is a picture at the end of "our" first day of school.  Sims was feeling left out so here is his baby bump picture on the first day of school.  He's so goofy!  Enjoy the pictures!

29 Weeks!

Ok, I know its been quite a while since the last update.  So, here we go. . . Baby Girl is still growing and doing very well.  We had our last doctor visit on Friday and I now have to count the amount of times she kicks in an hour.  She should kick four times.  I usually count after eating dinner, because she seems to be more active at that time especially after eating Mexican food.  She is just like her dad- loves food!!! 
As for me, I'm still pretty small in size and I get REALLY happy when a stranger realizes I'm pregnant.  I'm not complaining though!  I'm also feeling great and doing really well.  I have no complaints. 
But I want to apologize for not posting in a while, but as November gets closer I promise to keep all of you in better touch.  It has been one crazy summer!  Oh and we think we have a name, but not saying for sure just yet. 
